Glenn S.'s review of Your Collection Solution, Inc.

Your Collection Solution, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/1/2009
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Review 4/1/2009
I originally retained Your Collection Solution, Inc. for $50 on February 26, 2008 to collect on a debt of roughly $26,000. I was assured by Jeffrey that due to the size of this collection (and the 35% contingency fee) it would be a high priority.

As it turns out the high priority was them collecting the fees from me in order to move forward. I paid them $950 to file and serve a lawsuit on February 28th. After several weeks of not hearing anything from Jeffrey or the attorney they used in N.CA, I tired to get an update. I was told everything was moving forward and the suit had been filed and served.

Several weeks later I learned (when I called them yet again) that the suit had actually been filed but not served and had been sitting at the attorneys office for 3 weeks waiting for a different address for the delinquent company. I jumped on the internet (wonderful invention, do they have this in FL?) and located a new address for the company.

Ultimately (August 20, 2008) I was informed the suit had been served and I had been awarded a judgement. Now Jeffrey says I need to pay them more money upfront to have the investigator begin looking for the assets. Realizing I had already flushed $1000 I was past the point of no return so, I sent them another $775 to cover the "investigators".

Another month of no updates so, I began calling to get information. The only information I was given was that they were doing what they could to locate the assets of this multi-million dollar real estate firm and they were not having any luck. After several more weeks I made another call to Jeffrey to get an update (each call was initiated by me) and was given the same story and told there were no supporting documents from the "investigators".

Yesterday (3/27/09) more than a year after starting this entire mess I received a letter stating the company had filed bankruptcy and Your Collection Solution was closing my file with the regret that they were unable to collect anything for me (more likely that they were unable to collect anything more FROM me).

Isn't it the collection agency and the attorney's obligation to make sure that any bankruptcy proceeding include the legal award I had been given?

If you decide to to business with Your Collection Solution, Inc. my advice is be VERY CAREFUL!
Business's response - by Jeffrey R.on 10/26/2009
This letter is being filed as a response to the review written by Glenn S. Unfortunately in these economic times, corporations have been filing bankruptcy, dissolving or just closing their doors. Our company, and our attorneys do not benefit financially if settlements and/or payments are not received from the debtors. We do everything possible to encourage a debtor to pay a debt. If we are unsuccessful in collecting the monies owed, we use attorneys to help litigate the claims. Obviously, we want to move the file as quickly as possible so we can get paid. However, litigation takes time and we are at the mercy of the Courts. The Court systems have experienced budget cuts. Additionally, the Clerk's offices have been unable to handle the increase in litigation due to foreclosures and credit card debt. The process involved in filing a lawsuit is frustrating to all parties involved, especially since the Courts are unable to handle the volume of the paperwork and the cases being litigated. Our company makes money only if our clients make money. We work on a contingency fee basis. We do not benefit from delaying a case. Additionally, we do not benefit from our independent investigators' inability to locate assets so we can execute on a pending judgment. Finally, we definitely do not benefit if a company closes, dissolves and/or files bankruptcy. The only time we benefit is if our client benefits and that is when we are able to secure payment or execute on a judgment.
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Plantation, FL 33322
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