Sarah M.'s review of TestMasters


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 1/21/2010
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Review 1/21/2010
As a former Kaplan student (or victim, depending on how you see it), I was pretty skeptical of my LSAT abilities after what I considered to be a be a failed attempt at the test in 2007. I had hit a plateau in my practice tests and went to my Kaplan instructor for advice, and after my sob story of not being able to break 160 he flatly told me "you should go to TestMasters". Needless to say that advice would have been much more helpful had it been given prior to my spending $1250 on a relatively useless course. Yet somehow 2 years after giving up all dreams of law school, I found myself in a TestMasters UCLA class, taking another stab at what I thought to be an impossible feat. I left lesson 1 overwhelmed and feeling defeated, thinking that I had just spent another 1K+ to feel like an idiot for the next 2 months. But lesson by lesson it got easier. By lesson 4 I stopped cringing when the instructor asked me to identify the sufficient/necessary conditions of an argument. And much to my surprise (and almost amusement), by the time I hit halfway mark I actually UNDERSTOOD what the test was talking about. I think what makes TestMasters a step above the rest is the combination of expertise in methods and amazing instructors. I actually developed an understanding what the LSAT is actually testing, so I no longer had to rely on 'quick trick' tips that some remedial instructor/blogger/LSAT for dummies-esq book claimed would get me 'the highest score possible'. And not only did my instructor score a 177 on an actual test, but he was actually ENGAGING and was able to make 4 hours of dry LSAT material borderline fun. By the end of the course I no longer shook in fear anytime someone asked me to set up a logic game...I was actually prepared and excited to take the LSAT. Going to TestMasters after my less than pleasant experience was the best decision I've made in my young adult life and now previously far-fetched dreams of getting into a good law school are becoming a reality.
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