becoming a.'s review of Actor's Fast Track

Actor's Fast Track

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 4/21/2018
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becoming an actor
ACTOR'S FAST TRACK In order to be a successful actor, you need to be proactive. You must take the steps to be prepared, not only for taking on a role, but for taking on the Industry. You need to show up and stand out; can’t sit around and wait for someone to notice you. Getting an agent doesn’t mean you’ve made it, because your agent will never work as hard for you as you can for yourself. Your agent has a bunch of “yous” and is concentrating on the one who seems like the best bet. You know what your dreams and goals are. You know, ultimately, you are the one who has to make them happen. Valorie Hubbard has forged a career on Broadway, in television, and in Hollywood movies by being pragmatic, dedicated, and entrepreneurial. Now she helps other actors do the same with Actor’s Fast Track. Working closely with each individual she coaches, Valorie helps them to develop personal brand and create a customized plan of action to reach those goals and dreams. Contact: PHONE: 323-650-4072 EMAIL: Website: Follow Us On:
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